Monday 30 November 2009

Poem for Voice Over: Adapted to suit piece by Tonia Shepherd

My status as a woman alone in the evening/alone on the streets/alone not being the point/the point being that I can’t do what I want to do with my own body because I am the wrong sex the wrong age and I have the wrong skin!

Ripped away from my home land and dragged into a world of
Hate. Deprived of my dignity, my self worth.
Deprived of my innocence.

Do I deserve the beatings? Is my skin not black enough without the bruises?
Don’t I service you in every way possible?

in France they say if the guy penetrates but does not ejaculate then he did not rape me and if after stabbing him if after screams if after begging the bastard and if even after smashing hammer to his head if even after that if he and his slave master friends fuck me then I consented and there was no rape because finally you understand

Finally you understand!
I have no voice!

I am forced to do things that make me feel sordid,
Things that make me feel unclean.
Contaminated! I scream but I am not heard.
I cry but nobody takes heed of me.

No where does it talk about the pain and suffering I have been through
No where does it educate others of my experience
No where does it identify the sisters who conceived through rape
No where does it state the statistics.

I have been the meaning of rape I have been the problem everyone seeks to eliminate by forced penetration with or without the evidence.
I have had my vocal cords tied and my voice silenced

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